Full Range Repertoire
You will be exposed to classical, 20th and 21st century repertoire with an introduction to blues, jazz and popular music, we are open to your ideas for musical selections
Piano is one of the easiest instruments to start out learning to play music. We teach from an early age through adult with all kinds of genres of music from Show Tunes, Jazz, Classical and Rock and Roll. We offer a number of different piano teaching methods and styles including traditional sight reading, playing without learning to read music, chord-based methods, improvisation, songwriting & theory. Our piano teachers will help you decide which is best for you based on your own personal goals. Piano study can begin as early as 5 years old. With an emphasis in classical style and a vast repertoire to choose from, piano students can study a wide variety of styles. For those new to music, Piano is an excellent start as it helps build a foundation in musicality without major limitations in developing sound, tone or intonation. Piano students at SRSM get to perform in a variety of recitals and concerts throughout the year.
Piano is an excellent start as it helps build a foundation in musicality without major limitations in developing sound, tone or intonation. Piano students at SRSM get to perform in a variety of recitals and concerts throughout the year.
We offer a number of different piano teaching methods and styles including traditional sight reading, playing without learning to read music, chord-based methods, improvisation, songwriting & theory. Our piano teachers will help you decide which is best for you based on your own personal goals. from the first day of lessons an emphasis is placed on core fundamentals. Students continue through the piano curriculum learning significant repertoire, all the while addressing the fundamentals necessary for all levels of performance. Comprehensive piano education including performance classes, theory, technique, ear training, recitals, master classes, performances, competitions, and association of music with the rest of the arts. Personalized curriculum achieving the best possible learning conditions. It’s been proven that children with a music background do better at math and science and have a much greater chance at advancement in life because of the “work and then the reward” habit that they have picked up from music lessons.